Sentimental expressions! An experience
Art education at J. J. School of Art : 60 years back it was more than just a living dream, for a farmer’s son of Bilashi; Bilashi… a small village of Sangali dist. In the lap of Sahyadri hills : I was born there as a farmer’s son! I did have fascination for nature and its interpretation since childhood. The foothills of Sahyadri, valleys, lushgreen surrounding and innocent people around…
I still remember them, my introduction to forms and colors. Those were the days when art has no status in the society and there were hardly any councilor to guide. It was only inner urge that insisted me to make move from Bilashi to Mumbai! By the grace of god, my sister and her husband both played the role of pathfinders. “G. A. Dandekar was formally admitted to Sir J. J. School without knowing the future”!
In the making at an artist such references are essential. An artist can not progress without struggle; inspiration do not occur without such experiences. Besides them there are people whose thoughts keep an artist igniting from within. Picasso, Matisse, Gogin my Gurus and Indian masters are my inspirations.
Their style, process of thinking, sacrifices in life and an attitude always inspired me. It is this inspiration that provided me a wider view in terms of medium and expressions. As a student, as a teacher at Sir J. J. Institute and as a professional.
I always enjoyed the company at these various medium of expressions which made my journey easier, pleasurable and peaceful.
Though I stared as a landscape painter initially, my journey across India opened the new chapter. Indian people their rural surroundings, colourful celebrations, life style, their interactions with nature that embraces them, was magnetic.
“The cultural boundaries that encompass they must be conveyed” I thought, so I invented them on my canvas.